

Dubbelsidigt ljusutsläpp

Dessa väggarmaturer fördelar ljuset uppåt och nedåt på väggytan. Det gör dem till den perfekta lösningen för att lysa upp väggar och loftgångar samt för att iscensätta ytor inom många inredningsområden. Som tidsenliga byggnadsdetaljer uppvisar lamporna sin karaktäristiska form tack vare två glas i kristall med briljantslipade kanter. De uppfyller kravet på tidsenliga byggnadsdetaljer.

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Tekniska data

BEGA Thermal Management ®

Hus av aluminiumgjutgods Invändigt vitt kristallglas

Nätdelar on/off Färgåtergivningsindex (CRI) > 90

20 års inköpsgaranti för reservdelar LED-moduler

51 434.1 Nyhet 8,6 W692 lmon/off20060110
51 435.1 Nyhet 14,5 W1408 lmon/off30060110
Med reservation för tekniska ändringar. Alla priser som anges är aktuella ej bindande prisrekommendationer i euro exklusive moms.

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Every table in the bistro has its own pendant luminaire. The illumination of the table surface gives the guest the impression of a private atmosphere. On the walls, luminaires with light emission on two sides ensure room-defining light graphics. The aisle area and also the transition to the terrace are illuminated with recessed ceiling downlights. A separate control option for the individual groups of luminaires is recommended. In this way, the light can be controlled according to the occasion. 

Living area
Open living area with a ceiling height of 5.5 m. A glass front provides a clear view of the adjacent terrace area. Recessed ceiling luminaires shining downwards are responsible for the basic illumination. On the far side, wall luminaires ensure pleasant background light. These luminaires emit glare-free light upwards and downwards, so that through their group arrangement the entire wall is illuminated and the light is distributed indirectly in the room. These luminaires can also be found in the first floor. In the living room, square recessed wall luminaires mark a dividing wall between the living room and adjacent rooms. The formal language of recessed wall luminaires and surface-mounted wall luminaires conveys a complete picture. Table lamps and standard lamps create lighting accents in the seating area. The centre of the room is impressively marked by the pendant luminaires above the table, whose light is emitted directly downwards as well as softly into the room. Outdoors, in-ground luminaires show the boundaries of the terrace. The luminaires can be controlled individually with BEGA Control.


Information about BEGA products in North America

BEGA North America manufactures in the Americas for the Americas. Products are manufactured with the appropriate specifications and in conformance with UL, CSA, and NOM listing standards. If you reside in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America, or the Caribbean Sea, please visit BEGA North America’s website for product information and local support.

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