Oświetlanie za pomocą reflektorów

Distinctive surfaces and structures

The positioning of floodlights has a major influence on the interaction of light and shadow, and therefore on the result of the staged lighting

Fasada stanowi wizytówkę i unikalny element architektury. Charakterystyczne powierzchnie i strukturalne akcenty nadają budynkom oraz powierzchniom użytkowym wyjątkowy charakter.

There are many options for the illumination of such exposed surfaces and the staging of their materiality in the dark. Beyond the fascination beautiful architecture creates, its illumination can be planned and realised uniquely.

The structure and reflectivity of the surfaces must be considered as part of the lighting design. If the structures on façades are to be individually emphasised and staged, the positioning of the luminaires can have a special influence on the lighting results. Light from an acute angle to the façade brings out the structures to best effect. The more acute the angle, the more striking the interaction of light and shadow. With a slightly greater distance between the luminaires and the architecture and the choice of wall washer luminaires, the façade can be experienced in its entirety in the dark – thanks to softly drawn lighting effects without light cones.

Glossy and textured surfaces can also be illuminated with direct light at a 90-degree angle. Every light point that is directed onto the façade becomes visible and creates an even more multi-faceted light accentuation.

Wall washers combined with twilight emphasise the value of a structured façade.

Good illumination of the court: Pole-mounted floodlights make the structure recognisable and tangible.

Targeted staging of the gradations and undulations of a façade.

A reflective surface creates very special illumination effects.

Illumination at an acute angle emphasises the relief in the façade.

Information about BEGA products in North America

BEGA North America manufactures in the Americas for the Americas. Products are manufactured with the appropriate specifications and in conformance with UL, CSA, and NOM listing standards. If you reside in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America, or the Caribbean Sea, please visit BEGA North America’s website for product information and local support.

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