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Tak- og veggarmaturer
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BEGA-storromsarmaturer er armaturer til belysning av svært store flater med jevnt lys. Med store dimensjoner og imponerende lyseffekt åpner disse armaturene for nye og kreative muligheter innen formgivning og design på mange områder innen arkitekturen.

Den imponerende lyseffekten kan tas i bruk både som enkeltarmatur og som et arrangement. Her finner du lysende designelementer som, i tillegg til sin flotte lysfunksjon, også setter sitt preg på vegger eller rom.

For å oppnå en perfekt tilpasning av lyset til ønsket belysningssituasjon, har alle armaturene DALI-styring. Den lange levetiden og den økonomiske driften av LED-modulene våre, samt de tekniske komponentene, reduserer også kostnader for både vedlikehold og drift.

Tekniske data

Kapslingsgrad IP 65 BEGA Thermal Management ®

Aluminiumstøpegods, aluminium og edelstål Beleggingsteknologi BEGA Unidure® Sikkerhetsglass

Nettdeler med DALI-styring

20-års garanti etter kjøp for tilgjengelighet av LED-moduler

Vis planleggingseksempler

In a spa zone, the illumination makes a significant contribution towards the well-being of the guests. Alternating zones with dimmed light and zones accentuated with illumination are ideal for the relaxation of the guests. At the same time, the lighting system must be able to illuminate the rooms clearly for cleaning purposes. On account of the climatic conditions in such facilities, only luminaires with high protection classes are installed. In the whirlpool cubes, wall luminaires cast wide-beam light onto the ceiling, and this light is reflected softly back into the room. The pools are fitted with underwater luminaires whose light colour can be adjusted variably via RGBW. Between the cubes, in-ground floodlights accentuate the shower area. This light effect is repeated on the front pillars using in-ground floodlights. In the room, soft light falls from the ceiling via flat square luminaires. Recessed wall luminaires line the paths at a height of 40 cm, thus creating safety and structure. Recessed ceiling downlights are installed in the outdoor terrace covering roof.

Swimming pool
The general lighting in the swimming pool is effected by means of downlights, whose light offers safety on the surfaces around the pool. They also create lustrous effects on the surface of the water. The pool is illuminated by underwater floodlights. Unshielded luminaires with a high protection class are used on the walls of the hall to provide accents and to emit soft light.

Waiting zone
As a rule, there is a quiet atmosphere in waiting zones. Some people are reading or sleeping, others are busy with their laptop or smartphone. The illumination of the entire area is effected using downlights. Due to their thick, partially frosted crystal glass, most of the light is emitted directly downwards onto the floor. An average of 150 lx is reached at floor level. The remaining light is refracted by the edge of the glass and is diffused through the matt finish. In this way, the light is also distributed vertically into the room. In addition, flat, square wall luminaires emit soft light.
