inkludert eksterne på/av- eller styrbare DALI-nettdeler · Innfellingsåpning 68 mm

Armaturer fra vår serie med innfelte takarmaturer – ACCENTA.

ACCENTA PURE – små og kompakte armaturer med høyverdig LED-teknikk til innfelling i hengetak med 68 mm takutsparinger. Høykvalitets krystallglass og reflektorer sprer et effektivt og briljant lys.

Takket være sitt gode lysutbytte, egner disse armaturene seg både til effektivitetsforbedring i eksisterende anlegg og planlegging av nye. ACCENTA innfelte takarmaturer egner seg til plantegninger i private hjem, butikker eller hoteller, og overalt der hvor man ønsker seg representativ og briljante armaturer med effektiv LED-teknikk.

Andre produkter av denne typen finnes i følgende serier:

Tekniske data

Armaturhus av aluminiumstøpegods delvis matt krystallglass Reflektor av eloksert aluminium

Fargegjengivelsesindeks (CRI) >90

20-års garanti etter kjøp for tilgjengelighet av LED-moduler

Den nødvendige nedgravingsdybden finnes i monteringsanvisningen til armaturen.

LED NettdelAB
50 593 K310,5 W570 lmDALI8048
Med forbehold om tekniske endringer. Alle angitte priser er gjeldende, veiledende utsalgspriser i euro, eks. merverdiavgift.

Vis planleggingseksempler

We are entering the foyer of a hotel. We are welcomed by pleasant mood lighting. Sculptural pendant luminaires made of polished aluminium and thick-walled crystal glass illuminate the reception desk. Such lighting draws the attention to the reception. This combination of materials is repeated by other luminaires in the room. The reception area for the staff is bathed in light from recessed ceiling luminaires with comparably thick crystal glass. The exit is flanked by uplights and downlights whose design corresponds to the pendant luminaires. General illumination is effected by ceiling luminaires with the main light facing directly downwards and indirect light distributed softly in the room. This combination ensures a very high degree of visual comfort. Depending on the time of day, the illumination is adapted to the lighting conditions.

Living area
Open living area with a ceiling height of 5.5 m. A glass front provides a clear view of the adjacent terrace area. Recessed ceiling luminaires shining downwards are responsible for the basic illumination. On the far side, wall luminaires ensure pleasant background light. These luminaires emit glare-free light upwards and downwards, so that through their group arrangement the entire wall is illuminated and the light is distributed indirectly in the room. These luminaires can also be found in the first floor. In the living room, square recessed wall luminaires mark a dividing wall between the living room and adjacent rooms. The formal language of recessed wall luminaires and surface-mounted wall luminaires conveys a complete picture. Table lamps and standard lamps create lighting accents in the seating area. The centre of the room is impressively marked by the pendant luminaires above the table, whose light is emitted directly downwards as well as softly into the room. Outdoors, in-ground luminaires show the boundaries of the terrace. The luminaires can be controlled individually with BEGA Control.


Realised by "Hochbau Stadt Bern"

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