Religious room

In religious rooms, a control option for the illumination is of great importance. This is why we have decided in favour of dimmable pendant luminaires. Their light is directed downwards directly onto the surface to be illuminated. At the same time, an internal glass diffusor together with the outer glass creates vertical light. With these luminaires, a degree of illuminance of 150 lx is reached at floor level. If additional illumination of the ceiling is desired, this luminaire is also available with additional upward light emission. Depending on the room height, the pendant may have to be lengthened by the manufacturer. The room in this example measures 15 x 17 m with a room height of 11 m. The mounting height of the pendant luminaire is approx. 3.60 m, measured from the floor. Twelve pendant luminaires, four downlights and 15 in-ground luminaires were used.

Lighting calculations Summary DIALux project

The room in this example measures 15 x 17 m with a room height of 11 m. The mounting height of the pendant luminaire is approx. 3.60 m, measured from the floor. Twelve pendant luminaires, four downlights and 15 in-ground luminaires were used.

Information about BEGA products in North America

BEGA North America manufactures in the Americas for the Americas. Products are manufactured with the appropriate specifications and in conformance with UL, CSA, and NOM listing standards. If you reside in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America, or the Caribbean Sea, please visit BEGA North America’s website for product information and local support.

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