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Luminaires with BEGA Zoom‑optics

for outdoors and indoors

Individually adjustable light distribution

The advantages der BEGA Zoom optics for individual lighting requirements

  • Adjustable from the outside:

    • Convenient adjustment after installation
    • Optimisation of the half beam angle when switched on

  • Infinitely adjustable between narrow beam and very wide beam

  • Half beam angle can be adjusted to the on-site requirements

Yksi valopiste – lukuisia mahdollisuuksia

BEGA-zoomausoptiikka mahdollistaa erilaisiin valaistusvaatimuksiin sopivien valaistustilanteiden toteuttamisen samasta valopisteestä nopeasti säätämällä.

Adjustment options in detail

Downlights with BEGA Zoom optics for outdoor use
Simple adjustment of the light distribution after installation of the luminaire

With the new BEGA Zoom optics, we enable individually adjustable half beam angles in our recessed ceiling luminaires for outdoor use. The desired half beam angle can be set anywhere between 14° and 60° by turning the lens and reflector unit of the optical system – even while the luminaire is installed and switched on.

The half beam angle can be individually adjusted even after the luminaire is installed, while switched on.

Loosen the securing grub screw from the trim ring with an Allen key and twist off the trim ring.

Set the desired light distribution between 14° and ...

… 60° on the luminaire housing.

Downlights with BEGA Zoom optics for indoor use
Perfect results in one turn

BEGA downlights offer a varied portfolio of light distribution options. Luminaires with adjustable light distribution offer even more flexbility. The new BEGA Zoom optics enable individually adjustable half beam angles for specific lighting design requirements.

The desired light distribution can be set without tools by turning the optical system.

Ceiling luminaires with BEGA Zoom optics for outdoor use
Simple adjustment of the light distribution after installation of the luminaire

With the new BEGA Zoom optics, we enable individually adjustable half beam angles in our surface-mounted ceiling luminaires for outdoor use. The desired half beam angle can be set anywhere between 15° and 50° by turning the lens and reflector unit of the optical system – even while the luminaire is installed and switched on.

The half beam angle of the optical lens unit can be infinitely adjusted using the lateral setting screw on the luminaire housing.

Ceiling luminaires with BEGA Zoom optics for indoor use
Perfect results in one turn

BEGA downlights offer a varied portfolio of light distribution options. Luminaires with adjustable light distribution offer even more flexbility. The new BEGA Zoom optics enable individually adjustable half beam angles for specific lighting design requirements.

The desired light distribution can be set without tools by turning the optical system.

Track spotlights with BEGA Zoom optics
Perfect results in one turn

BEGA Track spotlight are available in two sizes and with two different surfaces. They offer an infinitely adjustable half beam angle between 15º and 60º. The ideal setting for the specific requirements can be selected and adjusted at any time using the rotating lens unit.

Optical diffuser filters are available as accessories to modify the default light distribution: Optical filters flat beam, symmetrically diffuse, asymmetrical.

BEGA track spotlights are supplied with an adapter for three-phase Eurostandard-Plus® track systems

The desired light distribution can be set without tools by turning the optical system.

BEGA-kiskovalaisimien valonjaot ja käyttöalueet

Optical filters

The glass cover of the luminaires is securely fixed in place with magnets. This can easily be removed without tools.

The light distribution can additionally be adjusted using optical filters:

  • Flat beam light distribution
  • Asymmetrical light distribution
  • Symmetrically diffuse light distribution

Compact floodlights with BEGA Zoom optics
Easy adjustment of the light distribution

Thanks to its highly efficient optical system with minimised stray light, the BEGA compact floodlight is the specialist for all types of illumination. The floodlight is optionally available with BEGA Zoom optics, which enables precise adjustment of the half beam angle. The adjustable lens unit is located inside the luminaire to prevent unwanted adjustment.

Loosen the back locking pin in the trim ring with an Allen key.

Remove the trim ring along with the safety glass.

Set the desired light distribution between 15° and …

… 55° by turning the optical lens unit.

Information about BEGA products in North America

BEGA North America manufactures in the Americas for the Americas. Products are manufactured with the appropriate specifications and in conformance with UL, CSA, and NOM listing standards. If you reside in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America, or the Caribbean Sea, please visit BEGA North America’s website for product information and local support.

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