Photo : Nikolay Kazakov

Recessed luminaires for walls and staircases

For flush or surface-mounted installation

For decades, BEGA luminaires from this series have been outstanding lighting construction details on numerous structures worldwide. We are constantly developing these luminaires and always perfectly match the construction and design to our LED technology.

The electrical connection is comfortably established before installation in the structure. The now-connected luminaire is then mounted in the building structure or installation housing using the BEGA mounting system. All installation dimensions are identical to those of the previous luminaires. The slim, screwless luminaire frames are distinctive in their design.

Depending on the size, the luminaires can be installed in risers and in walls – both indoors and out.

Combined LED emergency lighting luminaires with integrated single battery for 3 hours of emergency operation in the event of a power failure. Luminaires according to EN 60598-2-22.

Technical data

The unshielded luminaires are available with a choice of two light outputs. As luminaires for areas of application where a higher degree of illuminance is required or as location luminaires with lower light output.

Protection class IP 65 BEGA Thermal Management®

Cast aluminium, aluminium and stainless steel BEGA Unidure® coating technology Safety glass

20-year availability guarantee for replacement parts and LED modules

The shielded luminaires are used to identify points of danger and traffic areas in low ambient brightness.

Protection class IP 65 BEGA Thermal Management®

Cast aluminium, aluminium and stainless steel BEGA Unidure® coating technology Safety glass

20-year availability guarantee for replacement parts and LED modules

The shielded luminaires are used to identify points of danger and traffic areas in low ambient brightness.

Protection class IP 65 BEGA Thermal Management®

Cast aluminium, aluminium and stainless steel Coated with BEGA Tricoat® Safety glass

Luminous flux in the upper half-space < 1%

3000 K or 4000 K colour temperature settings available

20-year availability guarantee for replacement parts and LED modules

24 879 New product 5.0 W339 lmon/off1707065
24 880 New product 7.0 W466 lmon/off2607065
24 881 New product 9.1 W594 lmon/off3207065
24 882 New product 14.0 W1163 lmDALI33012590
24 883 New product 18.0 W1503 lmDALI42012590
24 884 New product 22.5 W1769 lmDALI52012590
Technical amendments reserved.

Luminaires with asymmetrical light distribution illuminate ground surfaces in the depth of the room.

Protection class IP 65 BEGA Thermal Management®

Cast aluminium, aluminium and stainless steel Coated with BEGA Tricoat® Safety glass Reflector made of pure anodised aluminium

20-year availability guarantee for replacement parts and LED modules

Luminaires with asymmetrical flat beam light distribution emit their light into the width of the room and illuminate ground surfaces uniformly with a wide beam.

Protection class IP 65 BEGA Thermal Management®

Cast aluminium, aluminium and stainless steel BEGA Unidure® coating technology Safety glass Reflector made of pure anodised aluminium

20-year availability guarantee for replacement parts and LED modules

These recessed wall luminaires with asymmetrical light distribution are particularly suitable for the illumination of ground surfaces from a very low mounting height (0.3 to 0.5 m). Available in different sizes and with different light outputs, these luminaires provide spatial illumination with high uniformity.

Protection class IP 65 BEGA Thermal Management®

Cast aluminium, aluminium and stainless steel BEGA Unidure® coating technology Safety glass Reflector made of pure anodised aluminium

20-year availability guarantee for replacement parts and LED modules

View planning examples

In a gymnasium used for sports lessons, club training and competitions, a degree of illuminance of 500 lx is required on the playing field. The playing field is lined with stands. To be able to see well, a degree of illuminance of 50 to 100 lx is required in these areas. At least 10 lx is required for emergency lighting. The entire illumination of the 2100 square metre large hall is effected using ballproof high-performance floodlights with a colour temperature of 4000 K. Aisles and stairs are equipped with shielded recessed luminaires. This ensures that neither the sportspersons nor the spectators are dazzled.

In a spa zone, the illumination makes a significant contribution towards the well-being of the guests. Alternating zones with dimmed light and zones accentuated with illumination are ideal for the relaxation of the guests. At the same time, the lighting system must be able to illuminate the rooms clearly for cleaning purposes. On account of the climatic conditions in such facilities, only luminaires with high protection classes are installed. In the whirlpool cubes, wall luminaires cast wide-beam light onto the ceiling, and this light is reflected softly back into the room. The pools are fitted with underwater luminaires whose light colour can be adjusted variably via RGBW. Between the cubes, in-ground floodlights accentuate the shower area. This light effect is repeated on the front pillars using in-ground floodlights. In the room, soft light falls from the ceiling via flat square luminaires. Recessed wall luminaires line the paths at a height of 40 cm, thus creating safety and structure. Recessed ceiling downlights are installed in the outdoor terrace covering roof.

Train station forecourt
A forecourt of 40 x 20 m opens up in front of a station. This area is bordered by a low wall, which is interrupted by a staircase. This staircase is used to reach street level. Recessed wall luminaires are installed in the wall and in the steps of the staircase for orientation and guidance purposes. The forecourt is illuminated and at the same time structured by light building elements. These are positioned 10.75m apart, and guarantee good face recognition thanks to their uniform and rotationally symmetrical light. The degree of illuminance is between 10 and 20 lx. 

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