On-ground luminaires

Asymmetrical flat beam light distribution

On-ground luminaire for light from a very low mounting height. The asymmetrical flat beam light distribution is suitable for glare-free illumination of ground surfaces even far ahead of where the luminaire is installed. Luminaires for providing spatial illumination of driveways and wide footpaths or for illuminating the borders of square-like areas. These luminaires are characterised by a robust design made of cast aluminium and by cost-effective and durable LED technology.

Technical data

Protection class IP 65 BEGA Thermal Management®

Cast aluminium, aluminium and stainless steel BEGA Unidure® coating technology Safety glass Reflector made of pure anodised aluminium

DALI-controllable power supply units

20-year availability guarantee for replacement parts and LED modules

These BEGA on-ground luminaires can be bolted onto a foundation provided by the customer, or onto a BEGA anchorage unit. Please order anchorage units as separate accessories.

84 081 K314.5 W848 lmDALI34037590155
Technical amendments reserved.

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Tersteegen-Haus, Düsseldorf