Lighting practice

On the basis of our empirical values and the suggestions of architects and planners, we have compiled room situations for which light planning is frequently required. In the following, we shall present possible illumination solutions for these architectural situations. All technical lighting standards are of course met. Our suggested degree of illuminance may even exceed the standard in some cases. For us, the aesthetics of light and a high level of visual comfort are important criteria for such decisions.

At the same time, the form and the size of the luminaires must fit into the architectural surroundings. For example, we often recommend larger models if a structure has large dimensions – even if smaller luminaires with lower output would be enough. In such cases, the degree of illuminance can be reduced to a suitable level by means of a light control system.

Refurbishment and modernisation

We offer efficient solutions for the major issue facing the construction sector in the future: our range for the resource-saving retrofitting and refurbishment of existing systems is a crucial part of renovation and modernisation.

Light control

Light efficiently, protect the environment, save energy. Our solutions for intelligent light control – perfectly suited to any requirement.

Pole-top luminaires for pedestrian crossings

These luminaires with asymmetrical light distribution enable standard-compliant and safe illumination of pedestrian crossings, crossing aids and their corresponding waiting areas. Additional information regarding standard-compliant light for the safety of pedestrians and the comfort of all road users in the dark.

Safety-related lighting

BEGA lighting solutions are extremely reliable components for the illumination and security of critical infrastructure. In hazardous areas, society-relevant zones or a hightech environment: We explain the key points for the planning and implementation of lighting projects.

Illumination of residential complexes

Many parameters must be taken into account when planning illumination for residential complexes. The focus should be on providing safe thoroughfares both indoors and outdoors, and on supporting the overall feeling of safety. Luminaires give the area structure. Light points with adequate light distribution and warm light colours present the architecture and the surrounding facilities in an expressive and attractive way.

Illumination with floodlights

The most important task of high-quality illumination is to attractively highlight the many facets of architecture at night. The BEGA floodlight portfolio allows for individual solutions for the many characteristics of structures and their requirements for exceptional light.

Illumination in educational facilities

Balanced lighting design creates a pleasant learning environment, improves indoor and outdoor spaces and uses convenient light control where needed. We present solutions for all areas of learning: How light creates security and atmosphere.

Light in green spaces

A well-kept garden is part of our living space, if not the heart of our home. Good lighting in a private garden brings the living space and garden together. It is recommended that islands should be created here – for example the separate illumination of ponds, flowerbeds, groups of trees or even sculptures.

Planning examples

Information about BEGA products in North America

BEGA North America manufactures in the Americas for the Americas. Products are manufactured with the appropriate specifications and in conformance with UL, CSA, and NOM listing standards. If you reside in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America, or the Caribbean Sea, please visit BEGA North America’s website for product information and local support.

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