Sustainable by Design

Sustainability through durability and reliability

Our guiding principle is reflected in the outstanding durability and distinctiveness of our products compared with those of our competitors:

Sustainable by Design!

The basic tenants of robustness and durability for all components – and therefore the essence of traceable and true sustainability – have and always will be driving us to excellence. Reliable moulds that have been established over very long periods of time and are highly valued in the market are another component of this reliable consistency.

What drives us:
  • How to manufacture our products in a way that is environmentally responsible, CO2-neutral and does not contribute to climate change?
  • How can we improve on our rigorous self-imposed values?
  • What materials fulfil our definitions for quality and durability?
  • How can our components be reused and repurposed after decades of use?

Is there still room for improvement in our recyclable product material and packaging material – even if only in marginal areas where improvements are apparently insignificant?


Owner-managed company for more than 75 years

We are conscious of our responsibility for future generations, which is why we never stop researching and continually developing our products, services and technologies, as well as ourselves.

More about BEGA’s company history

First generation Heinrich and Bruno Gantenbrink

Second generation Heiner and Bruno Gantenbrink

Third generation Heinrich and Maximilian Gantenbrink

Institutionalized management

Environmental and sustainability management are institutionalized in the company structure and are advanced on a daily basis by the responsible department.

BEGA Management is certified in the relevant areas:


DIN EN ISO 9001:2015


DIN EN ISO 14001:2015


DIN EN ISO 50001:2018

Occupational health and safety

DIN ISO 45001:2018


Continuity through modernity and long-term job security

Promoting empowered conduct strengthens our sustainable processes and structures.


per cent of the workforce have been with BEGA for more than 10 years


An average of 16 employees celebrate their anniversary each year


Trainees are trained at BEGA every year


Our products retain their place in architecture over many decades.

We have found designs and shapes that are functional yesterday, today and tomorrow: reliable, thoroughly modern and always state of the art.

Sustainable from the very beginning, reliable and timeless in all respects.

Our self-defined exacting requirements for lighting technology, processing quality and usability exceed market standards.

This reliability is supported by:

  • Coherent product design
  • Optimisation of all processes
  • Increasing product efficiency
  • Reliable technology

Products such as the BEGA light brick Lichtbaustein® have been part of our range for 60 years in an ever-evolving form and with constantly updated technology.


98% of our end products contain recycled materials.

  • Responsible use of materials, use of natural and biodegradable materials as well as durable materials.
  • All materials produced to ensure maximum durability.
  • Extreme and highly demanding test procedures for quality assurance.
  • Continuous research for ongoing development of materials.

BEGA NeoGlass®
Synthetic material


BEGA manufactures exclusively in-house.

We do not import merchandise for resale: Purchasing materials for production from approved suppliers. Traceable, long-term and resilient supply chains lead to continuity and reliability of materials.

More than 90% of materials are purchased from within Europe

Approx. 70% of this from Germany


Careful use of resources thanks to continual efficiency enhancements

  • Climate-neutral approach to production processes by using green electricity and green gas as well as offsetting residual CO2 emissions
  • More CO2 reduction through ecological conversion concepts in production (e.g. changes to internal transport processes).
  • Self-reliance and independence with proprietary production technologies and high rate of in-house production
  • Ongoing analysis of all production processes and further development.

334,000 kWh

less electricity*

138,000 kWh

less gas*

31 t

less CO2*

4.000.000 l

less fresh water*

105 t

less waste*

*Headquarters Menden 2020 - 22

In-house power generation

was started at the Carpinteria site in the sunshine state of California (USA). The expertise is constantly being transferred to all BEGA locations.


of BEGA’s electricity requirements in California are covered by the company’s own photovoltaic system.


BEGA luminaires and components are not disposable products.

The efficiency of our products is characterised by long lifecycles that set the standard for the rest of the market. They are designed to be used for decades.

Even after such long periods of use, modernising the technology behind the luminaires and bringing them in line with modern requirements only takes a few steps. This is how we interpret sustainability.

The BEGA Continued Life Programme offers you various options for retrofitting existing lighting systems.

The BEGA Continued Life Program


Convenient on-site upgrading by the customer with customised LED conversion kits.


Refurbishment of luminaires in the factory:

  • Technical conversion
  • Reconditioning of surfaces: Systems look and function like a new product after they have been reconditioned
  • Same warranty and guaranteed service life as with a new product

Luminaire replacement

Lighting systems can be refitted with BEGA products for a look that has been tried and tested for decades.


Eco-friendly light

  • We offer solutions for ecological and economical illumination and light control.
  • Exceptional protection of nature and people with technologies developed in-house.
  • Customised products are also possible.

Everything you need to know about ecologically viable illumination

Information about BEGA products in North America

BEGA North America manufactures in the Americas for the Americas. Products are manufactured with the appropriate specifications and in conformance with UL, CSA, and NOM listing standards. If you reside in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America, or the Caribbean Sea, please visit BEGA North America’s website for product information and local support.

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