
Asymmetrical or flat beam light distribution

Shielded bollards for the glare-free illumination of ground surfaces. Luminaires for the spatial or flat beam illumination of horizontal surfaces.

  • Luminaires with asymmetrical light distribution are particularly suitable for the illumination of squares or wider pathways on account of their spatial illumination of ground surfaces.
  • Luminaires with flat beam light distribution allow the general illumination of paths with luminaires spaced far apart.

You will find more products of this type in the following series:

Technical data

Protection class IP 65 BEGA Thermal Management®

Cast aluminium, aluminium and stainless steel BEGA Unidure® coating technology Safety glass Reflector made of pure anodised aluminium

DALI-controllable power supply units

20-year availability guarantee for replacement parts and LED modules

These BEGA bollards are equipped with an alignable mounting system. It can either be bolted onto a foundation provided by the customer, or onto a BEGA anchorage unit. Please order anchorage units as separate accessories.

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