BEGA Continued Life Program

Sustainable modernisation – retrofitting existing lighting systems

Cost-effective conversionEfficient continued use

Are you drawing up plans for a new lighting system? Or are you looking for a low-cost way to convert an existing, intact system that blends in seamlessly with its surroundings to accommodate modern, energy-efficient LED technology?

BEGA customers are often faced with these two questions. The fact that, even after many years of use, our lighting systems remain in perfect condition can prompt customers to think about ways they can modernise their spaces more generally. One of the main reasons for this is the ban on conventional lamps, if nothing else.

Our comprehensive range of services for your refurbishment projects is called the BEGA Continued Life Program. The upgrade of existing lighting systems goes hand in hand with substantial energy savings in operations. Furthermore, the outfitting with original BEGA components offers the currently most efficient technology for each luminaire, a perfect fit, exceptional support, as well as additional warrantees. We do all that to ensure efficient continuous use of our products for coming decades.

Our products, and, hence, the people who use them, benefit from meticulous construction, timeless design, premium and extremely long-lasting materials, future-oriented technology and, as a result, enduring quality to eclipse the average market competitor.

Switching out conventional lamps for energy-saving LED modules establishes a temporal bridge to future decades. State-of-the-art light sources – delivered for a perfect fit and easy to convert – ensure a cost-effective and sustainable modernisation without compromising on quality. For the satisfaction of the system operator, for meaningful reductions in the use of resources and in effect for the protection of the environment.

Sustainability in design, construction, and use of materialsBEGA luminaires with continue to function flawlessly for decades.

The LED modules made in our factory are individually designed for each luminaire as original BEGA components. In particular, the modules boast an impressively long service life, very low energy consumption and guarantee sustainable use over an exceptionally long period of time.

Even if the technology and design of the components has changed in the meantime, the replacements will match the light colour and output of the modules originally installed.

Our luminaires and modules are designed in such a way as to enable trouble-free replacement of the lamps on site using standard tools.

Advantages of original components: the BEGA LED modulesWe guarantee the availability of successor and replacement modules even 20 years after a BEGA LED luminaire is purchased.

Regardless of the original composition of your existing system, we can assess and future-proof your plans from a technical perspective:

  • Can and should the existing system continue to be operated using the original technology?
  • When would conversion to LED lamps be worthwhile financially?
  • Can funding programmes help finance the project?
  • Which option makes the most sense economically: converting the existing system or designing a whole new system?

Meaningful upgrade

We have summarised the most important aspects to consider when assessing whether and in what form a conversion of an existing lighting system would be worthwhile and, indeed, possible below.

  • Significant improvement of the light and illumination quality using LED: eye-friendly light and more efficient, glare-free illumination

  • Energy savings when comparing existing and upgraded systems

  • Required Degree of illuminance – status quo and change after upgrade

  • Technical data and performance features of the luminaires: luminaire light output (lumen per watt), recommended colour temperature, colour rendering index, maximum ambient temperature, service life criteria

  • Cost-benefit analysis: converting the existing system or designing an entire new one – which option is most beneficial?

Conversion of a pendant luminaire with compact fluorescent lamp to LED

Our offer: The BEGA Continued Life Program

BEGA luminaires and their components are not disposable products. The efficiency of our products is characterised by long lifecycles that set the standard for the rest of the market. They are designed to be used for decades.

Even after such long periods of use, modernising the technology behind the luminaires and bringing them in line with modern requirements only takes a few steps. We call it the BEGA Continued Life Programme – that’s what we mean by sustainability.

We offer custom solutions for your lighting systems.

Conversion kits
for upgrades on site

Ready-made conversion kits allow you to upgrade your lighting systems on site.

  • Low installation costs thanks to pre-assembled, custom LED modules

  • Replacement module‑Availability guarantee of 20 years for a maximised service life

  • Surfaces‑Care sets for refreshing the look of luminaire housing and other components

Upgrade example: In-ground luminaire

Conversion service
includes reconditioning

We provide a professional reconditioning service for your luminaires in our factory.

  • Technical Conversion to LED by BEGA experts

  • General Overall condition assessment of all luminaire components

  • Reconditioning of Surfaces

  • Appearance and function after service like a new product

  • Same warranty and guaranteed service life as with a new product
  • Replacement module‑Availability guarantee of 20 years for a maximised service life

Retrofit example: Wall luminaire

Luminaire replacement
with popular look

Lighting systems can be refitted with BEGA products for a look that has been tried and tested for decades.

  • New concept planning with popular products from our portfolio using pre-existing light points

  • The luminaires in a popular design maintain the existing look

  • Switch to luminaires with the latest technology and materials

  • Long-term use with minimal maintenance costs

  • Cost-sensitivity as an attractive planning factor for projects with large numbers of units

Our service

We work with you to plan the conversion of your existing system. From the financial analysis all the way to implementation, our personal service is there to support you. Get in touch!

What we need from you

  • Details about the dimensions of your system and the specific conversion request
  • Article numbers and production codes for the existing luminaires as per the type plate
  • Description of the condition of the system and the luminaires, documented with photos
  • Information about how you would like to operate your luminaires as well as any additional requirements and requests