
Bridges are architectural landmarks which leave a lasting impression of a city. The illumination of bridges is thus of particular significance. Through the accentuation of its striking form, the structure also has an effect at night and, at the same time, can clearly be identified as a point of orientation. The floodlights used are fitted with shields and louvres to prevent undesired stray light and glare. In our example, the footpath along the river is illuminated with long wall luminaires, which create a pleasant lighting atmosphere. In conjunction with the illuminated bridge, this creates significant elements of the city architecture. A degree of illuminance of 20 lx is reached on the footpath.

Lighting calculations Summary DIALux project

A main road crosses the bridge, with cycle paths on both sides. For the road, the standard DIN EN 13 201 applies for the uniformity of light and the illumination density. These requirements are met with pole-top luminaires. The mounting height for illuminating the carriageway is 6 m. For the cycle path, the degree of illuminance must be at least 1–5 lx. Pole-top luminaires with flat beam light distribution provide the required light from the same poles from a height of 4 m. The luminaire spacing is 28 m. The light of both types of luminaires is directed onto the road surfaces as a flat beam.

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BEGA North America manufactures in the Americas for the Americas. Products are manufactured with the appropriate specifications and in conformance with UL, CSA, and NOM listing standards. If you reside in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America, or the Caribbean Sea, please visit BEGA North America’s website for product information and local support.

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