Foto: GettyImages - Martin Barraud

Indbygningsarmaturer til svømmebassiner

Indbygningsarmaturer til svømmebassiner på private og offentlige områder. BEGA-undervandsarmaturerne i forskellige størrelser og lyseffekter er velegnede til indbygning i beton-, folie-, metal- eller kunststofbassiner.

Armaturerne må kun anvendes under vand. For at undgå skadende aflejringer og tilsmudsning af armaturerne skal vandet have en neutral ph-værdi og være fri for stoffer, der angriber metal.

Tekniske data

Tæthedsklasse IP 68 10 m Isolationsklasse III

Rustfrit stål, materialenummer 1.4404, elektropoleret Sikkerhedsglas Reflektor i eloxeret, ren aluminium klorvandsbestandig ledning

Armaturerne fungerer kun med en separat netdel 24 V DC Bemærk sikkerhedsreglerne for installation og drift af disse armaturer og forkoblinger.

anbefalet indbygningsdybde 400 til 700 mm under vandoverfladen

20 års efterkøbsgaranti for reservedele og LED-moduler

LED-farvetemperatur 3000 K

Tæthedsklasse IP 68 10 m Isolationsklasse III

Rustfrit stål, materialenummer 1.4404, elektropoleret Sikkerhedsglas Reflektor i eloxeret, ren aluminium klorvandsbestandig ledning

Armaturerne fungerer kun med en separat netdel 24 V DC Bemærk sikkerhedsreglerne for installation og drift af disse armaturer og forkoblinger.

anbefalet indbygningsdybde 400 til 700 mm under vandoverfladen

20 års efterkøbsgaranti for reservedele og LED-moduler

Farvetemperatur 4000 K

Se planlægningseksempler

In a spa zone, the illumination makes a significant contribution towards the well-being of the guests. Alternating zones with dimmed light and zones accentuated with illumination are ideal for the relaxation of the guests. At the same time, the lighting system must be able to illuminate the rooms clearly for cleaning purposes. On account of the climatic conditions in such facilities, only luminaires with high protection classes are installed. In the whirlpool cubes, wall luminaires cast wide-beam light onto the ceiling, and this light is reflected softly back into the room. The pools are fitted with underwater luminaires whose light colour can be adjusted variably via RGBW. Between the cubes, in-ground floodlights accentuate the shower area. This light effect is repeated on the front pillars using in-ground floodlights. In the room, soft light falls from the ceiling via flat square luminaires. Recessed wall luminaires line the paths at a height of 40 cm, thus creating safety and structure. Recessed ceiling downlights are installed in the outdoor terrace covering roof.

Swimming pool
The general lighting in the swimming pool is effected by means of downlights, whose light offers safety on the surfaces around the pool. They also create lustrous effects on the surface of the water. The pool is illuminated by underwater floodlights. Unshielded luminaires with a high protection class are used on the walls of the hall to provide accents and to emit soft light.

Private garden
Light gives a garden structure and emphasises the plants and trees. Shielded bollards border the terrace which leads along the pool and ends in a seating area. Underwater floodlights create a Mediterranean lighting atmosphere. The large trees in the background reflect the light of the in-ground floodlights. Portable compact floodlights emphasise individual plants. The boundaries of the garden are defined with spherical luminaires. The intensity of the illumination can be adjusted to satisfy personal preferences with the help of a light control system.
