
Især til overfladebelysningen af facader eller dele af facader har vi udviklet en lineær facadeprojektør i to længder. Vi leverer projektørerne på denne side i to farvetemperaturer, 3000 K eller 4000 K, med symmetrisk eller asymmetrisk lyfordeling.

BEGA fassadeprojektører kan monteres ved siden af hinanden, så de danner et gennemgående lysbånd. Med komfortable og let anvendelige, 5-polede stikforbindelser etableres den elektriske forbindelse til det næste armatur. Til større afstande fås tilslutningsklare forbindelseskabler i forskellige længder.

Tekniske data

Tæthedsklasse IP 65 BEGA Thermal Management ®

Støbt aluminium, aluminium og rustfrit stål Belægningsteknologi BEGA Unidure ® Sikkerhedsglas Reflektor i eloxeret, ren aluminium

Netdele DALI-styrbar

Forbindelsesledningerne kan også anvendes som servicekabler. Armaturerne kan styres via en DALI-farvelysstyring (DT 8, RGBWAF, xy).

Bemærk: Der kræves en separat tilslutningsdåse til elektrisk tilslutning af armaturerne. Tilsluttes armaturerne i serie (maks. 12 armaturer pr. tilslutning) kræves kun en tilslutningsdåse til det første armatur. Til montering med vægarm skal du bestille tilslutningsdåse 71 064. Tilslutningsdåser skal bestilles særskilt som tilbehør. Forbindelsen mellem armaturerne etableres med de forbindelsesledninger, der følger med armaturerne.

20 års efterkøbsgaranti for reservedele og LED-moduler

Der tages forbehold for tekniske ændringer. Ved samtlige priser er der tale om de aktuelt gældende vejledende priser i euro uden moms.

Se planlægningseksempler

Historical building
For the illumination of the building with floodlights, the aim is to illuminate all sides of the complex as uniformly as possible. An obvious solution is to position the high-performance floodlights symmetrically at the corners of the building. In most cases, one floodlight position is sufficient for two sides of the building. The floodlights are frequently fitted with louvres or shields to ensure that the focus is only on the building. It is recommended that the luminaires should be installed on luminaire poles to protect passers-by from irritating glare. The illumination of the building is supplemented by façade floodlights forming a continuous light strip for linear illumination. As a rule, the final floodlight locations and output levels are only defined after an initial trial illumination.

Historical façade
Various different luminaires are used to illuminate historical façades. Beginning on the ground floor, arcades are illuminated with in-ground floodlights. Here it is important to make sure that the luminaires can stand up to being driven over by car tyres. Depending on the version of the luminaires, pressure loads of up to 5000 kg are possible. Between the floors, the house has ledges from where slim adjustable façade floodlights can illuminate the building. Their light distribution is symmetrical. 

Advertising space
The illumination of advertising spaces repeatedly presents new challenges. A change in motif from a very light to a dark motif, or vice versa, requires an adjustment of the degree of illuminance for the advertising to be effective. In this case, a control unit for the luminaires is strongly recommended in order to provide numerous options for illuminating advertising posters. In the following, we should like to present tried and tested solutions, and show you the differences in light effects on an advertising space of 4 x 6 m.


Information about BEGA products in North America

BEGA North America manufactures in the Americas for the Americas. Products are manufactured with the appropriate specifications and in conformance with UL, CSA, and NOM listing standards. If you reside in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America, or the Caribbean Sea, please visit BEGA North America’s website for product information and local support.

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